Clip art of two fuzzy, nervous monsters: one large red beast and one small green creature.
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Category: Monsters clip art

Clip art of a rectangular green monster with blue buttons.
This image is free to use in your web site or project subject to our terms of service. Click the image to download a larger free version in JPG format. Or, you can download the hi-res version for $4 which provides the image in hi-resolution, in JPG, GIF, Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator formats.
Category: Monsters clip art

Clip art of a cute, happy blue monster with horns and fangs.
This image is free to use in your web site or project subject to our terms of service. Click the image to download a larger free version in JPG format. Or, you can download the hi-res version for $4 which provides the image in hi-resolution, in JPG, GIF, Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator formats.
Category: Monsters clip art

Clip art of a cute, laughing monster with a pink hood and a blue spiral on its chest.
This image is free to use in your web site or project subject to our terms of service. Click the image to download a larger free version in JPG format. Or, you can download the hi-res version for $4 which provides the image in hi-resolution, in JPG, GIF, Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator formats.
Category: Monsters clip art

Clip art of a smiling, fuzzy purple monster with green eyes.
This image is free to use in your web site or project subject to our terms of service. Click the image to download a larger free version in JPG format. Or, you can download the hi-res version for $4 which provides the image in hi-resolution, in JPG, GIF, Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator formats.
Category: Monsters clip art